Thanksgiving is near, a day when most in the USA stop and pause to express gratitude. I know that for many readers gratitude is both a daily practice and experience. Like many of you, the minute I awake each morning, I am grateful for another day on this majestic earth. For me, life itself is such an incredible gift. And on top of that, there are countless other blessings.

In general, my list of things to thank the SOURCE of all that is, resembles previous years with important additions. After life itself, the things that top my list include love, health, freedom, safety and Mother Gaia.

I am grateful for the love that abounds in my life – family, friends, and my friend’s dog Mattie who comes over for sleepovers to fill the void created by the transition of all our beloved pets. Anton and I celebrated our 33rd wedding anniversary, wow us! Added to the list of blessings that fill my life through this partnership, was his incredible help guiding me through the challenging process of publishing my latest book. The delights of two grandnieces and one grandnephew are a reminder of the cycle of life and excitement for the adventures that life holds.

The breadth of life is even more profound when one also enjoys good health. In addition to remaining healthy during COVID, I have full mobility along with emotional well-being. I remain ever so grateful that my mind remains free to express its creativity while contemplating my purpose in life and my relationship to the creative and loving force from which it came and to which it will return. I am also deeply grateful to all those who worked to keep us safe through the pandemic. Most will remain anonymous to us, except for the place they occupy in our hearts.

Freedom and safety are also on the top of my list. Even to a casual observer, these gifts are not universally available. The current acrimony that swirls around us itself is testament to the freedom that we enjoy. And even when tested, societal order, peace and democracy are among our riches. These circumstances create opportunities for comfort, prosperity and abundance.

Many realize that this list of blessings is not enjoyed by all inhabitants of planet Earth. Natural disasters are up-ending people’s lives across the globe and lessen Mother Gaia’s gifts of beauty, habitability and sustenance including food and water. Disease and famine affect millions. War, political and civil unrest pre-empt peaceful co-existence. Tyrannical governments and repressive regimes cultivate oppression and produce conditions that result in victimization and exploitation.

Lastly, I am grateful for having remembered my divine essence. In truth, it came after I realized that serenity and joy do not depend on any external circumstances, including the myriad gifts that fill my life. And after, I learned that inner peace, happiness and bliss are products of the inner world. I am grateful that my work allows me to share these realizations.

And lastly, on this year’s list is a very personal item, my gratitude for finally publishing Awakened Soul: Discoveries of Healing, Self-Love and Spiritual Growth. Close to four dozen clients agreed to let me share the healing they received and insights they gained during their spiritual regressions. Their journeys are a reminder, that as we deepen our capacity to love ourselves, our relationship with the Source of all that is grows. I am grateful to them and the spirit guides and spiritual beings for their wisdom and unwavering compassion and love.

Wishing you a long list of blessings and a Happy Thanksgiving