It’s been several days since I stepped back in the realm of time within which our day to day activity takes place. For close to a week, I was transported to a realm where time and place seem to merge together. Little did I know when I registered for a week-long training to refine my skills in past-life regression with Brian and Carole Weiss that I would experience and witness countless miracles!

For those who have taken part in an Omega Institute experience, you will not be surprised that, from the start, my week seemed choreographed from the higher realms. A new friend described seeing points of lights all over the globe connected with golden threads, a second scene showed these points of light converging in Rhinebeck New York, Omega’s home campus. It was not long before we learned that 60% of the 150 who had gathered would come from distant places – India, Australia, Near and Far Asia, Central and South America, Europe . . . . the rest of us, more locally based, at least in this lifetime!

We gathered to learn, some to heal but who could have imagined such a transformative week? Who, other than Brian and Carole who have orchestrated prior happenings, could have anticipated the connections, the re-connections and reunions!

We were like horses galloping out of the starting gate from the first group regression Brian facilitated. No surprise to some that even the ‘strangers’ seated next to each other had come for reunions that their conscious minds had not arranged. Souls brought together to complete or reinforce earlier life lessons, to acquire missing pieces in the mosaic of their eternal life.

Early on I had an extraordinary experience that served as a bookend to a prior, unusual and mostly inexplicable occurrence. Fifteen years ago while vacationing,my husband and I stayed at a small hotel in the foothills of the Alps. As we were the only guests for five days, we came to know Seraph our dining room host quite well. Originally, from Sri Lanka, Seraph had relocated to northern Italy. He invited us to join him and his family on our last evening to celebrate the region’s wine harvest. It was a fabulously fun evening, one that every tourist in a foreign land dreams that they might have someday, captured in photos that all promised to exchange. At evening’s end, our joy-filled good-byes turned to tears – tears that for me would only stop many hours later. It was heart wrenching — I was overcome by an inexplicable sadness and sense of loss. . . .

Sometime later, my mind searching for some rational explanation would conclude that our souls needed to meet to know that each was thriving, to know that all was fine. Even as I write this I chuckle at the idea that this made sense to me or that I found comfort in this puzzle piece which defied rational explanation. I don’t know if the photos I sent to Seraph’s family were ever received and it would be some years before I would understand the significance of what at the time was a seemingly chance encounter.

Time passes, life happens and I find myself at Omega, seated amidst 150 others who like me are being lulled into a deeply relaxed hypnotic state by Brian’s beautiful voice and skillful regression. The scene that unfolds has contextual familiarity for me – an orphanage somewhere in Europe in the 1700s where I am the headmistress. I see myself walking holding the hand of a young boy – Thomas -who I have grown to love as if he were my child; and deep in this regression, deep in my heart, I know that it is Seraph! The joy and beauty of this scene is replaced with a second. A fire is consuming the orphanage stable. Adults are running about making sure that the children are safe. But three children have died in the accident, a girl and two boys . . . one of them is Thomas. And my tears begin again, reliving the loss . . . tears and more tears . . . tears and more tears . . . the excruciating pain of a broken heart.

Some moments later I hear Brian’s voice,telling each of us to go to the end of the past lifetime that we are experiencing, to float above it and to glean the message of that lifetime. My tears stop and I am full of awareness of calming thoughts, comforting thoughts – love never dies . . . life and love are eternal. I have experienced both healing and reunion.

I traveled to Omega seeking to hone my art, but skill development would not be the only gift I received during this incredible week. I was both participant and witness to myriad miracles. I was part of the unfolding of a collective experience, a collective reminiscing that love never dies and that life and love are eternal. And as both participant and observer, I realized that my experience during this week was a microcosm of the eternal dance of life in which we are all a part. We are specks of light connected by golden threads converging at different moments in time. We are bound to each other in the experience of love – the driving force of the cosmos that is our current home. We dance towards each other and glide away but we remain eternally tethered, never drifting too far from the home that is the peace and joy of eternal love. And in this eternal love, we are reminded of our eternal life. No beginning, no end. . . just an eternal dance.
(October 19, 2012)