Wings-of-a-Butterfly-Nebula- Hubble Legacy Archive, NASA, ESA – Processing  Judy SchmidtYou Are A Soul Having A Human Experience

Perhaps you have heard and agree that you are a soul having a human experience and wondered about the implications.

If you accept that you are a soul having a human experience, you are more able to see the brilliance behind how the divine plan is unfolding in your life. The simplest way to understand this is to view each of your successive lives as the latest chapter in your eternal life. A big idea I know, but one that is nonetheless true. Here’s an even bigger one, your soul has developed the life plan that you are now living! That’s right, you are the architect of your life plan.

We have learned from the many thousands who have experienced life between lives regression that life is far from random although not devoid of randomness. Each of us charts the purpose and course our life will take. Each of us selects the lessons we will focus on and hopefully master. Each of us decides wounds we will attempt to heal. Each of us chooses what karmic circumstances we will work to balance.

Each lifetime our soul makes a plan before it incarnates. That plan contains important details about the exterior dimensions of our lives. Our soul plan includes our selection of parents and other loved ones, where we are born, where we will live, major health issues, life opportunities, career paths and yes, life challenges. From the soul’s perspective, these external aspects of our life are comparable to the setting and characters in a theatrical drama. In fact, we can liken our life to a play that we have self-scripted. Each of us is the starring character in our own life.  And oh, one more thing, each of us has invited the major players in our life to assume the roles they perform!

Understandably, each of us gets caught up in the trials and travails of daily life – our families and loved ones, our jobs and careers, our hopes and our dreams. In these instances our attention is too often fixed on the external dimensions of the experiences – the stories. When our outlook is limited to the events or their details, we increase the odds that the emotions we experience will be more painful; and we potentially limit our opportunity to glean wisdom from these emotional lessons.

When you begin to view your life contextually, you will likely see patterns – patterns in relationships, patterns of behaviors, patterns of experiences and even patterns of thoughts i.e. your core beliefs. These patterns pertain to your soul’s evolution.

Full realization that you are a soul having a human experience enables you to view the drama and challenges of life, most particularly your own, as your “front story”; while you search to understand the “back story” that is your soul’s plan for this lifetime. Is this good news or bad? Well actually, it is both.

The insight that we are a soul having a human experience does not eliminate the suffering but mitigates what we have come to understand as unnecessary or secondary suffering – the pain on top of the pain. How so, you ask? Although hardship is inevitable, understanding the purpose and lesson that flow from it precludes the despair that can result when one sees no point to it or greater purpose that it serves.

Placing the ups and downs of life into an eternal context is liberating and empowering – it vaporizes victimhood. This is absolutely a good thing. It shifts the focus away from what is happening to the question of why it is happening. It sends you off to understand the motivation behind the unfolding.

Understanding the nature of the soul creates context for our life experience. Accepting its eternal nature provides perspective on life events and painful emotions. Doing so can ease the pain of those experiences. More importantly, viewing this lifetime against the backdrop of eternal lifetimes fosters spiritual maturation as well as emotional development. In essence, it enables discovery of our soul’s plan for this lifetime.

If you are like most of us, there is something big or an important relationship in your life that causes us pain, angst, anguish. Accept for the moment that you were the architect of the unfolding of this pattern. Take a few minutes and ask yourself, ‘What did I have in mind when I developed this plan? What could I possibly have wanted to understand, accept, heal, and balance?’

I know, I know, some are screaming ‘I don’t care why it is happening, I just want it to stop’! But that’s just it, until you know why a pattern continues to repeat you can’t stop it. And if the pattern is related to your soul’s evolution than understanding its purpose is key. Equipped with the insight you are best able to complete the lesson, the healing and/or the karmic balancing.

You are here this lifetime to fulfill a purpose. Understanding the patterns and what is behind them can help you uncover your true life purpose. It can turn seeming randomness into coherence. It can inform the lessons you are here to learn. It can shed light on the wounds you are here to heal and/or the karmic circumstances you intended to balance.

With work, you can learn to distinguish the “back-story” from the “front-story” of your life. In so doing, you will discover how to decode your soul’s plan and destiny for this lifetime. After all, you are a soul having a human experience! [separator top=”40″ style=”shadow”][social_links colorscheme=”171752″ facebook=””]
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