3D-Film-Hidden-Universe-1-640x396Are you in a relationship or have feelings for someone that can’t be explained? Do you have thoughts or feelings that are inexplicable given your life circumstance and experience? Do you find it impossible to change a less than constructive or satisfying pattern of behavior?  Or are you troubled by recall of a time or place that you neither lived through nor visited? If so, perhaps like so many others your past lives are bleeding into your present.

Many share the view that life is eternal. Among them are those who understand that life perpetuates through a series of incarnations. In recent decades interest in the phenomena has increased. It’s not new – in fact there are historical references dating back thousands of years. What is relatively new is the number of people recalling past lives, the ease that those interested can access them, and the availability of a growing body of research regarding the practical and therapeutic value of past life recall.

As a practitioner in the field I admit my bias. But in truth, my view was shaped long before I became a past life and life between lives hypnotherapist; first through my own past life experiences which were expanded through subsequent study and ultimately magnified by the experiences of my clients. Fast forward several decades and it is now emphatically clear that there are many benefits to past life regression: elimination of symptoms – physical healing and relief, greater insight leading to emotional healing, enhanced life satisfaction and spiritual development.

Interestingly some of the 20th century pioneers in the burgeoning field were agnostics with no belief in reincarnation. In stories now famous, they called on clients in deep states of hypnotic trance to recall the first onset of the distressing feeling and/or symptom. To their surprise, clients harkened to earlier lives and circumstances which accounted for the physical or emotional problem that they were trying to resolve and remediate.

Surprisingly at first, the act of recalling and reliving the experience with detached observation made possible in hypnosis had dramatic results: symptoms were relieved, healing was achieved and the insight gained through this level of introspection was life altering for those reliving the past.

So I ask you the questions I pose to both the curious and to clients committed to stopping their past lives from bleeding into the present:

Are you in a relationship or have feelings for someone that can’t be explained? Do you have thoughts or feelings that are inexplicable given your life circumstance and experience? Do you find it impossible to change a less than constructive or satisfying pattern of behavior?  Or are you troubled by recall of a time or place that you neither lived through nor visited. If the answer to any of these questions is yes, than perhaps you too will discover relief, resolution and liberation from the past through past life regression. . .[separator top=”40″ style=”shadow”]

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