
About Joanne

Joanne Selinske is the author of Awakened Soul: Discoveries of Healing, Self-Love and Spiritual Growth and the co-author of Wisdom of Souls and Llewellyn's Little Book of Life Between Lives. She is founder and proprietress of Soul Source a spiritual center serving the mid-Atlantic region. Joanne is a spiritual counselor and hypnotherapist, certified by the Brian Weiss Institute in Past Life Regression and The Michael Newton Institute in Life Between Lives® Hypnotherapy. Her practice is geared to those seeking emotional and spiritual transformation with emphasis on past life regression, life between lives regression, spiritual regression including transpersonal journeys, Spirit Guide connection, quantum consciousness and spirit releasement therapy. She teaches "soul planning" to audiences interested in uncovering their true life purpose and origin of false beliefs, understanding relationships with soul mates and other members of their soul family, and decoding their soul's intention relative to - healing, learning and balancing karma. Joanne is an author, most recently on topics related to soul planning and our divine essence.

To Love and To Be Love – the Challenge

Often people approach spiritual hypnotherapy with the hope that they will receive the answer to the question – what is the purpose of my life? Many hope that the answer will give them a sense of direction for their external life – what career to pursue, what life change to make, what to plan for retirement. The answer often surprises but from my perspective delights regardless of how it is expressed. My favorite articulation is when the spirit guides answer to love and be love. Five simple words that are easy and lovely to hear but not necessarily easy to implement. It's easy to love your favorite people be they relatives or friends. It’s a lot harder to love people who hold beliefs that are directly opposite to yours. Possibly the best examples of this, are people who victimize others, who [...]

By |2022-06-27T11:59:50-04:00July 12, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on To Love and To Be Love – the Challenge

You Are a Spark of the Divine

Sometime in the distant past, we began our journey through human life. In the beginning of this stage of our existence as human beings we were individuated from the Creator Source – we were pure and perfect albeit quite new and undeveloped. Little slivers of the Divine, we set out on a series of lifetimes. The light of the Divine shining brightly in us. Some souls are older than others and as a result have had more lives, more time to learn and acquire wisdom. On the surface this appears to be good news. But depending on what occurred and how these souls coped, it may not be. Life events shape us – our thoughts and beliefs, our feelings and in turn our behavior. So, it follows that even a single event affects people in diverse ways. Despite our initial pure [...]

By |2022-05-31T18:32:50-04:00June 27, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on You Are a Spark of the Divine

Simple Blessings

I woke up today trying to recover from a virus. I was instantly pleased and grateful that I felt better than the previous few days. It started me thinking about the simple blessings that we tend to take for granted. Waking up each day is huge, which causes many to pause in gratitude. But what about the many smaller things that may go unnoticed. The day is full of them. The bed you slept on is one of them, and the pillows another. Both come in endless configurations and styles to maximize your sleeping experience. We have come a long way since sleeping on horsehair, straw mats or curled-up in caves. And then there is the convenience of indoor plumbing. It tops my list! People lived for millennium without it, and still today not everyone in the world enjoys this luxury. [...]

By |2022-05-22T16:56:08-04:00May 22, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Simple Blessings

Shining the Light Within

Shining the Light Within I saw this picture of the Quadirikiri Cave in Aruba and it reminded me of the beauty of shining the light within. During the last two years as COVID upended our lives, many of us found ourselves with a resource that previously had seemed in short supply – free time. Negative reactions to the disruption aside, the free time afforded the opportunity to accomplish long-stalled projects and to reprioritize personal interests. For others it offered the opportunity to shine the light within. I have long viewed time as my most precious resource. After all, you cannot earn it, buy it, borrow it, steal it or even save it. Our lifetime has an expiration date which is unknown. So, for me, when circumstances change and time becomes more bountiful, I consider it a bonanza. Speaking of time, you [...]

By |2022-05-11T14:18:34-04:00May 11, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Shining the Light Within

You Were Loved

The essence of love - meaning something to someone, touching somebody's heart and in return having them touch your heart along the way.

By |2022-04-18T17:08:36-04:00April 18, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on You Were Loved

The Role of Relationships: Part 2

Sharon's Relationships The following is one of the more than 40 cases included in Awakened Soul: Discoveries of Healing, Self-Love and Spiritual Growth.   Sharon is a 48-year-old tennis instructor with two college-age children. She is on the brink of separating from her husband Robert of 23-years. Despite a tumultuous last six years, including individual and couples counseling, she has been unable to let the marriage go. Several years ago, Sharon began studying eastern spirituality. In a class she met Brian, a kindred spirit who shares this interest. Over time, their connection deepened. Although not romantically or sexually involved, the intensity of their relationship has left them both feeling like there is a soul connection. Sharon scheduled her session hoping to gain insight into her inability to end her troubled marriage and to understand the nature of her connection to Brian. [...]

By |2022-03-17T11:16:10-04:00April 5, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Role of Relationships: Part 2

The Role of Relationships – Part 1

In the next few blog posts, I will be including sections from Chapter 2 of Awakened Soul: Discoveries of Healing, Self-Love and Spiritual Growth. Chapter 2 is about the Role of Relationships in the Soul's Growth. Relationships are of particular importance to most of us. In this post, you will understand why they are so important to the soul. The Role of Relationships in the Soul’s Growth From the moment of birth in each life, you are embedded in relationships that shape your experience of life. You learn about life and how to live in this complicated world through your relationships with others. In your earliest days, this learning is localized with your parents. As you grow, your instructor-pool expands to include siblings, other relatives, neighbors, teachers, religious figures, friends, co-workers, partners, and your fellow global citizens. Similarly, your soul learns [...]

By |2022-03-15T17:16:06-04:00March 22, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Role of Relationships – Part 1

Let There Be Peace on Earth

Today, like people everywhere, I prayed for peace in the places on the planet where people are dying in war and countless lives are upended. Quite frankly feeling powerless to do anything other than pray, I wondered what else I might do? I was surprised to get an answer – let peace begin with you. It did not take long for me to connect the answer to the challenge I face daily to ignore life’s annoyances, to overlook slight or even large offenses or to disregard the abhorrent behavior of others. Perhaps you understand. If you work or live with others, you know that trivial things take on importance when they accumulate. While it may be easy to ignore one small thing, it is more difficult to ignore patterns of behavior that you find annoying. Certain circumstances irritate – it may [...]

By |2022-03-04T21:47:48-05:00March 8, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Let There Be Peace on Earth

Lost Soul ~ Wise Soul

We often look away from the difficult realities of life – the horror of war, the suffering of subjugated and victimized peoples, the senseless acts of brutality and killing. The search for understanding is too often confused with acceptance. Ascribing these acts to the work of the devil may seem enough. Oversimplification is tempting, to label it as a mere struggle between light and dark, but falls short. Those seeking to understand within a spiritual context are beyond blaming God for allowing such atrocities, because humans enjoy the gift of free will. Notwithstanding, the harsh realities of the dehumanized mistreatment of others leaves them bewildered and grappling to comprehend. A new book Lost Soul, Wise Soul: How Challenging Past Lives Shape Our Future by my Michael Newton Institute colleague Karen Joy, offers insight through the debilitating struggles souls may endure on [...]

By |2022-02-20T10:43:26-05:00February 22, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Lost Soul ~ Wise Soul

An Angel is in Our Midst

I am compelled to tell you about someone I discovered that left me awestruck. Some have called her a sound healer; others think of her as a sound oracle. My own reaction is that an angel is in our midst. Her name is Mei-Lan and when you hear her you may agree that she sings with the chorus of angels. I was searching for something on You Tube. I stumbled upon or was guided, depending on your point of view, to her duet Eternal Soul with Ali Pervez Mehdi. I was blown-away. Her voice is captivating, as is his. Even using the word ‘voice’ seems wrong. Of course, the sounds were coming through her but it was clear within seconds that they originated at a level far above the physical plane. So, it is not surprising that some have dubbed her [...]

By |2022-02-05T21:21:02-05:00February 8, 2022|Uncategorized|Comments Off on An Angel is in Our Midst


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