Cosmic Motion Picture

Paramahansa Yogananda’s prayer Make Me See That I Am But An Actor In Thy Cosmic Motion Picture is a source of great inspiration and comfort. His wisdom provokes one to contemplate the play of life - lila - from the observer perspective. This detachment, while difficult to achieve, is key to achieving peace and serenity in one's day-to-day life as well as a milepost on the journey to immersion with the Source Creator and the bliss that is its rewards. “Beholding the ever-changing sound-and-motion pictures of life, I am aware that this turbulent dancing show is only a vast illusion. The tragedies, comedies, and paradoxes of life; the dreams of birth and death; the changing scenes ad places that surge round us: all these are nothing but movies, designed to engage us in the Cosmic Illusion. O Divine Operator, with Thy [...]