<a href=”http://thesoulsource.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/index.jpg”><img class=”alignleft size-full wp-image-2945″ src=”http://thesoulsource.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/index.jpg” alt=”index” width=”259″ height=”194″></a>Snow is falling and the world outside my window has been silenced at least long enough for me to contemplate with wonder and humility the magnificence of this beautiful earth, the serenity it offers and the beauty and peace that lies within.

Each snowflake perfectly formed – concurrently encapsulation beauty and peace within itself. If only we could stop time’s advance and freeze frame this scene! If this was possible, might we be able to hold onto the tranquility that lies within, to reacquaint with it, to savor it and to formulate and execute a plan for holding onto it long past snowfall’s end. Billions of snowflakes, each as unique as the billions who populate this beautiful oasis we call Earth. It is really quite amazing when you stop to think about it, variation and diversity – people and snowflakes – on a scale that is difficult to imagine. And yet within each person and snowflake, an internal beauty and peace that is identical; beauty and peace that is perfection.

For some the falling snow represents challenge, hassle, inconvenience and even dread when daily routines require adjustment. Hopefully even on those occasions brief moments can be stolen away to dive into the beauty and peace, the tranquility and serenity, that is encased in each snowflake – everyone perfectly formed, each one manifesting the perfection of Source.

Allow yourself some time to wonder about the beauty and peace that lies within as you watch the snow fall. Lean into the stillness – listen to your breadth, hear your heartbeat. Notice the life force that flows in to energize. Know that it is the same force that animates all life, that propels each of the countless snowflakes to fall gently to the ground. Recognize the beauty and peace that lies within and know that it is the perfection that we call SOURCE. . .

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