Wonderings & Wanderings of the Soul

Doorway to Serenity

Jack Fusco's Home At The Shore Vimeo aka Doorway to Serenity [vimeo id="74327358" width="600" height="350"] Summer ends, the beach is deserted, fall creeps in while billions of stars stand witness. A lone figure sits peering into the heavens – full of wonder longing to find peace. The star filled sky is an anchor, much like the sun. Both can be counted on, ever present, standing witness to our busy days, our movement through life and the passage of time. Take a minute to notice. Billions of stars sparkle in the sky, some brilliant others faintly visible due to their strength or distance - visual metaphors for our experiences in life, some powerful capturing our full attention, others dull and barely noticed. Are you hurrying through life barely able to glean the message calling out from the heavens? We are centurions of [...]

By |2021-09-23T17:11:43-04:00September 27, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Doorway to Serenity

Are Your Past Lives Bleeding Into Your Present ?

Are you in a relationship or have feelings for someone that can’t be explained? Do you have thoughts or feelings that are inexplicable given your life circumstance and experience? Do you find it impossible to change a less than constructive or satisfying pattern of behavior?  Or are you troubled by recall of a time or place that you neither lived through nor visited? If so, perhaps like so many others your past lives are bleeding into your present. Many share the view that life is eternal. Among them are those who understand that life perpetuates through a series of incarnations. In recent decades interest in the phenomena has increased. It’s not new – in fact there are historical references dating back thousands of years. What is relatively new is the number of people recalling past lives, the ease that those interested [...]

By |2021-09-23T17:24:58-04:00August 27, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Are Your Past Lives Bleeding Into Your Present ?

Life Purpose

This blog was posted by my colleague and fellow Newton Institute Life Between Lives facilitator Marcus Sorensen. It is fabulous and captures the incredible experience of a Life Between Lives session. For additional posts by Marcus, follow him at http://www.marcustravels.net  If you would like to schedule a Life Between Lives hypnotherapy session, please call Joanne at 410.371.7950. “Sitting in the spring sunshine of California, in the hills somewhere behind San Francisco, I wonder to myself: “Is this really real?” The boundaries of reality had been shaken almost beyond recognition over the previous four hours. Shaken is perhaps not the right word – more stretched and reshaped to a point where they could never contract back to the shape they once had. In physics, there is a concept known as Young’s Modulus, which I learnt about once upon a time at construction [...]

By |2021-09-23T17:12:20-04:00May 15, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Life Purpose

Love of Oneself

“As I began to love myself I freed myself of anything that is no good for  my health – food, people, things, situations, and everything that drew me down and away from myself.  At first I called this attitude  a healthy egoism. Today I know it is “love of oneself”. ” “As I Began to Love Myself” Charlie Chaplin Somewhere along in life, I came up with some odd ideas about putting myself last.  Somehow, that felt pretty balanced to me.  I thought that being a good person meant putting others needs before your own.  I thought it was a noble, selfless way of giving, and showing honor.  Everyone else’s needs took high priority overmine; it got to a point where I wasn’t even sure what my needs were because they had been pushed aside for so long.  It was not [...]

By |2021-09-23T17:12:41-04:00March 22, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Love of Oneself


  The year draws to a close. . . For me New Year's is a time to stop, take a breadth and remind oneself of all the wonderful things to be thankful for. I love life, my family and friends. I love this world with all its blemishes and promise yet to be fulfilled. As I listened to my favorite holiday music this season one song in particular reverberated. Josh Groban's THANKFUL. It captures my thoughts and feelings as we head into a new year and as some would say a new age. THANKFUL Songwriters: Carole Bayer Sager / David W. Foster / Richard J. Page Somedays we forget To look around us Somedays we can't see The joy that surrounds us So caught up inside ourselves We take when we should give. So for tonight we pray for What we [...]

By |2021-09-23T17:20:59-04:00December 27, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Thankful

A Day For Gratitude

The local guests have headed home while the out of town guests have retired upstairs for the evening. The house has returned to blissful calm. This most special day draws to a close.We have enjoyed yet another Thanksgiving – drawn together in love. For those who gathered today with family and friends we have been reminded of our many blessings, the freedom to assemble where ever and with whomever we please. […]

By |2021-09-23T17:21:21-04:00November 25, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on A Day For Gratitude

Miracles Happen

It’s been several days since I stepped back in the realm of time within which our day to day activity takes place. For close to a week, I was transported to a realm where time and place seem to merge together. Little did I know when I registered for a week-long training to refine my skills in past-life regression with Brian and Carole Weiss that I would experience and witness countless miracles! For those who have taken part in an Omega Institute experience, you will not be surprised that, from the start, my week seemed choreographed from the higher realms. […]

By |2021-09-23T17:20:39-04:00September 30, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Miracles Happen

Starting Your Own Conversations with God

Do you know that you can dialogue with Source – have your own conversation with God? Does this sound like a crazy idea? Perhaps you are of the mindset that only gifted psychics have the capacity to communicate beyond the world of the three dimensions, to reach into the Akashic field. Or, are you one of the many who have listened to the ongoing conversation within your own mind and wondered to whom the second voice belongs? If you have, then you have already begun conversation with Source and can begin to build on your access to universal consciousness.<!--more--> I admit that for decades I mused about the source of the debate of ideas and decisions that waged internally. And then like many PATHWAY readers, I experienced my first psychic reading and my journey along the metaphysical path accelerated. I was [...]

By |2021-09-23T17:20:21-04:00August 25, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Starting Your Own Conversations with God
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