Joanne’s Books
Awakened Soul: Discoveries of Healing, Self-Love and Spiritual Growth
Awakened Soul moves readers to imagine what it would feel like to wake up feeling joyful, at peace and knowing without a doubt that they are loved.
Using excerpted transcripts from spiritual regressions she conducted, hypnotherapist, spiritual counselor and teacher Joanne Selinske, PhD, relays the awe-inspiring stories of dozens who realized this dream and deepened their capacity to love themselves. In shared triumph, each learns the truth of their divine essence, and in the process—awakens to the power of self-love.
In a style both poignant and gripping, Awakened Soul follows these afterlife travelers as they engage with spiritual beings who populate the eternal worlds. On their sojourns through the heavenly realm, the author’s clients encounter angels, spirit guides, and ascended masters. These exchanges shed light on the past life origins of the false beliefs and ineffective coping mechanisms that have burdened successive reincarnations and trapped them in cycles of emotional distress.
Through these encounters, they uncover soul plans they themselves crafted to bring understanding, balance, and healing to the wounds carried across lifetimes. They connect to soul family members, who reincarnate together time and again to help them accomplish their soul plans. Often thought of as life purpose and labeled destiny, these intricate life plans play out through key interpersonal relationships.
Joanne takes the reader beyond the understanding of the healing power of past life regression and spirit communication introduced with Dr. Brian Weiss’ Many Lives, Many Masters and furthered through life between life journeys in Dr. Michael Newton’s Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls. She guides readers to an even deeper understanding of how past life traumas can be overcome, especially those related to loss, forgiveness, doubt, self-acceptance, self-esteem, self-care and self-love.
Clients describe the emotional healing and insights they gained and how these lead to developing new beliefs and patterns of behavior and emotions. Their accounts testify to the transformational power of past life regression and life between life regression. Their stories will inspire those seeking personal growth. Although they avail professional assistance, Joanne’s teachings about her clients’ triumphs make clear that comparable success awaits the vast self-help audience.
Awakened Soul will help readers rediscover that they are spiritual beings immersed in human experiences; while guiding them to discoveries of healing, self-love, and spiritual growth. Joanne’s message, reinforced throughout the book, is that eliminating the barriers to joy and inner peace opens one to experience one’s divine essence more fully; and that deepening one’s capacity for love leads one to a deeper connection with the originating Creative Intelligence, the Source – the mystery we call God.

What readers are saying.
” The insightful stories in Awakened Soul shine a light on the journey to fulfilling our highest purpose. Each one paints a picture that we all can recognize. . . An inspiring read that will help heal old wounds.” Carmela
“ This is an extraordinary book filled with wisdom and amazing insight regarding the soul’s never-ending journey. It will forever change your understanding of what our lives are truly about and what we’ve come here to learn and experience. It will reveal that the spiritual journeys all of us are on, are filled with incredible growth via elaborate self-design, played out in lifetime after lifetime, leading to the ultimate transformation of all. Treat yourself to this rare and unique look from ‘within’, and never view your life the same way again.” Alexandria
“I’m familiar with Joanne’s Soul School curriculum. Awakened Soul distills much of what I learned, and presents much learning experience from many old souls. Each chapter gave me focused insight into a significant aspect for aligning my experience with my soul’s plan. I recommend it for anyone feeling the need to get their soul in gear.” William
“The book is so easy to read yet filled with incredible wisdom. I identified with the issues that several of the author’s clients struggled with. Having access to the insights they gleaned from their spiritual regressions will help me. I highly recommend the book to others. The reminder that I am a spiritual being immersed in a human experience has shifted my perspective.” Elicia
Wisdom of Souls and Llewellyn’s Little Book of Life Between Lives were coauthored by Joanne and her three Research Committee colleagues Ann J. Clark, PhD, Karen Joy, and Marilyn Hargreaves, for The Newton Institute.

Wisdom of Souls
Wisdom of Souls provides breath-taking evidence of the life that awaits in the realms of spirit. It is filled with awe-inspiring stories of healing and wisdom experienced by people from all walks of life who have explored spiritual regression.
Readers learn what it’s like to take an astral journey to the realm of spirit. There you discover loving guides and higher beings of light who provide instruction and loving encouragement.
Wisdom of Souls provides profound spiritual insights and lessons that will help you connect to your own inner wisdom and gain a new perspective on your life challenges. The case studies selected for inclusion in the book were collected from twenty-five Institute hypnotherapists from around the globe.
The book includes stories of people whose life between lives experiences helped them manage family conflicts, cope with health issues, improve their romantic relationships, advance their careers, and resolve debilitating anxiety and depression.
The book is dedicated to Dr. Michael Newton who died in 2016 more than a decade after establishing the Newton Institute for Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy® to train hypnotherapists in his technique for facilitating astral journeys. His findings, described in his seminal works Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls confirmed what mystics and sages alike have extolled throughout history – unconditional love and acceptance awaits each of us in the inter-life.
In Wisdom of Souls you will discover case studies of transcendent experiences with spirit guides, departed love ones, the higher self and elders.
I know you will not only enjoy the book but the insight you glean from the experiences of others will help you as you work to resolve life’s challenges. You may decide as thousands before you have to schedule your own astral journey to explore firsthand. your eternal nature and experiences.
Readers will come away with a deepened sense of their eternal nature and their journeys across time.

Little Book
This book is the jewel in the crown of Llewellyn’s ‘Little Book’ series. Dr. Michael Newton was approached by Llewellyn Worldwide Publications to write this book as the world expert on the modality he created. Given his advancing years, Dr. Newton handed the task to the organization he founded, specifically its research team. They led this wonderful project on behalf of the members across 40 countries… and the Little Book was born.
Llewellyn’s Little Book of Life Between Lives introduces you to the wonders of Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy®. This pocket-sized guide outlines the ground-breaking work of Dr. Michael Newton whose work led to an understanding of our experiences in the spiritual realm — the afterlife where our spirit returns after our life on earth.
In this book you can learn about the inter-life, a spiritual realm which is our home and where our spirit returns after each life on Earth.
In the Little Book of Life Between Lives you will learn the fundamentals of:
- Reincarnation and how we planned our current lives
- How we can discover our past lives through regression
- Spirit guides and wise beings who guide us on our life journey
- Soul groupings and how we relate to other souls
- The council of wise elders who provide wisdom for our growth
- Sites in the spirit realm and what we can do there
- The process of life selection and planning
- Soul development and specializations
- How souls can travel throughout the Universe.
- The impact of a life between lives session
Exercises are included with each chapter to help you make contact with a higher wisdom to find your own answers to questions about your life and spiritual growth.