Jack Fusco’s Home At The Shore Vimeo aka Doorway to Serenity

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Summer ends, the beach is deserted, fall creeps in while billions of stars stand witness. A lone figure sits peering into the heavens – full of wonder longing to find peace.

The star filled sky is an anchor, much like the sun. Both can be counted on, ever present, standing witness to our busy days, our movement through life and the passage of time.

Take a minute to notice. Billions of stars sparkle in the sky, some brilliant others faintly visible due to their strength or distance – visual metaphors for our experiences in life, some powerful capturing our full attention, others dull and barely noticed.

Are you hurrying through life barely able to glean the message calling out from the heavens? We are centurions of creation eternal witness to the ebb and flow of life.

Does your daily schedule allow time for you to pause, to reflect like the lone visitor on the beach who takes time to ponder the vastness, to consider his or her place within it? Can you stop to look, to put yourself, your experiences, and your life into its perspective? I find that doing so anchors me. It’s a decelerator guaranteed to reintroduce balance and equanimity into the mayhem that we call daily life. It’s the front door to serenity.

Even the computer’s CTRL-ALT-DELETE reset sequence recognizes that every once in awhile there is a need to start over. What’s your CTRL-ALT-DELETE?  Do you have a reset? Perhaps you might try pausing to wonder about the grandness of the heavens?

The star filled sky seems to call out slow down . . .  what’s the hurry! Take some time; nestle into this cloak of beauty and brilliance.

Listen carefully and you will hear the stars beckon . . . Look at us, we never fail to delight, to dazzle and to add sparkle into your night; and if you allow us to add magic into your heart. Peer into the heavens and find the peace and serenity that you so desire.

Quite an offer! The gift that keeps on giving – ever present, every night . . . the alpha and the omega of the physical world – no beginning, no end, just the doorway to eternity!