Imagine the Infinite
Can you imagine the Infinite? Do you grapple with the idea of ‘life eternal’? Do you understand your place in the cosmic ocean?
These are big questions for certain – but questions which many ponder? For me, these questions are enlivened by the glorious photos, made possible by the Hubble and other space telescopes, that we are now privileged to enjoy. These engineering marvels have made it possible for us to peer into time and space and as we do to ponder the intelligence that is embedded within everything in the grand universe wherein we reside.
What do you imagine when you peer into the heavens looking onto the billions of galaxies that swirl about endlessly? Can you imagine the Infinite? Do you understand that you are an integral part of its composition?
In The Afterlife of Billy Fingers author, Annie Kagan engages in an extended after-death communication with her deceased brother Billy. It is at once powerfully touching and intimate, liberating and healing! Annie and the readers who accompany her enjoy an extraordinary journey into the bliss and wonder of the interlife — life beyond death! As a Past Life and Life Between Lives Hypnotherapist, I am familiar with the happiness and serenity that individuals find as I guide them to mystical realms and they engage with beings of light. In this capacity, I have been blessed to share in the wisdom that is imparted during these spiritual sojourns. In Kagan’s memoir, we are all passengers on astonishing voyage in which we can not only imagine the Infinite but realize that we are a part of the Infinite. In Billy’s own words
“The same Intelligence that grows trees from seeds, that lets birds fly, that waves the ocean and gives birth to new stars – that same Intelligence also breathes your breath, beats your heart, and heals your wounds.
How can I say that you are the Universe? Because I have become as small as the smallest quantum particle, and as big as the multitude of galaxies that exist in space. I was always like that, really. I just didn’t know it. And so is everyone else.
Look at pictures of the Universe. Then close your eyes and imagine those stars, clouds, comets, and galaxies inside and all around you.
When you turn your attention to the limitless . . . irritation seems small compared to the sun and moon and stars. When you imagine the infinite, you’re touched by your infinite self.”
What do you imagine when you close your eyes amidst the stillness? Can you reach the place of tranquility that is the doorway to the Infinite? Can you not only imagine the Infinite but understand that only a thin veil separates you from experiencing its vastness? Can you comprehend its lack of limitation?
Are you able to traverse the constraints of the physical dimension and revel in the joy and peace that lies beyond? Are you one of the lucky ones who have already reached beyond the veil? Are you one who has experienced absolute bliss . . . ever new joy and peace . . . unconditioned love?
What do you feel when you hear “Be still and know that I AM”? Does this query call out to your heart and soul? Are you aware that you are the ‘I’ in I AM? Have you discovered the beautiful truth that each and every one of us is part of the undulating impulse of intelligence and love that is the breadth and life throughout all the realms of existence? Can you revel is this truth?
Can you, as Billy asks, close your eyes and imagine the stars, clouds, comets, and galaxies inside and all around you? Can you imagine the Infinite and ride the joyous waves of its eternal journey across the cosmic ocean of time? [separator top=”40″ style=”shadow”][social_links colorscheme=”171752″ facebook=””]
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