Ljubljana Love Between Lives ~ this blog was posted by my colleague and fellow Newton Institute Life Between Lives facilitator Marcus Sorensen following his trip to Ljubljana, Slovenia to conduct hypnotic regression sessions. It is fabulous and captures the incredible experience of a Life Between Lives session. For additional posts by Marcus, follow him at http://www.marcustravels.net
If you would like to schedule a Life Between Lives hypnotherapy session, please call Joanne at 410.371.7950.[separator top=”40″ style=”shadow”]
“It is dark and almost completely quiet… In this haven of peace, two hearts are pounding loudly, and one of them is mine.
The young athletic man stretched out on the bed has his eyes closed, and I notice a tear rolling down one of his cheeks. A compassionate sigh rises and falls in my chest, and I sink a little further down into the armchair next to the bed. My own eyes well up, too. This is such familiar territory.
As I sit here, and as he lies there, I get the impression that the Universe has made a curious mirror out of our lives: his experience is almost mine, mine is almost his, and they are linked, inexplicably, together with the same surface of experience.
I am facilitating a Regression Hypnotherapy session for him, to help uncover the lessons his soul wishes to learn in this lifetime. Under deep trance, he has made contact with the World of Souls, and he is experiencing himself there in his disembodied and free soul state.
Another soul has come to meet him there. It is his girlfriend, who passed away just over a year before, after sudden illness. It is her presence with him that brought tears to his eyes – and to mine.
After my partner Özge died, I hoped beyond hope that I would somehow meet her again. I searched high and low for her on this Earth, on the Camino de Santiago, in the silence of Vipassana meditation, in the heights of the Himalayas… but it was during a regression hypnotherapy session, just like this one, that I made proper contact with her once more, and found the beginnings of peace.
I remember how she was playfully hiding behind me when I arrived in the World of Souls, letting me interact with others before it was her turn, but barely containing her wish to jump out in front of me. Just like how I had known her in living, breathing, sunny loveliness. After the ecstasy of feeling her presence and sensing her reassurance in spirit form, I understood that there was something she wanted me to do for her. There was a book I needed to write. Its name would be “Palimpsest”, and it would tell the story of us — our meeting, our love, her death, and our Love on this new level.
All of this gently floated by in my consciousness as the young man on the bed was now in streams of tears, as his girlfriend’s soul gave him practical advice for his lifetime. She wanted the best for him, and had no qualms, in a funny and familiar way, about telling him exactly how to get his life on that track.
The feeling of her personality was so strong in the hotel room, where my client and I were undertaking this session, that I almost had the impression I was meeting her there in the flesh too, alive and kicking.
The veil between this world and the other sometimes thins to transparency during regression sessions. This was one of those times, and so much more so because it had been me lying there, receiving guidance from my partner in her soul form, not that long before.
In one way, it was like a circle in my life coming to a close – being able to support another human being through this experience, knowing its painful yet blissful territory so intimately, and still holding myself together enough to guide him through. My wounded heart beat strongly, but the scars of its healing held firm.
In another way, it was a Möbius strip, twisting endlessly through time. His heart beat strongly, and the more recent scars it carried were tender to the touch. His partner in spirit form ran her fingers over those scars, and he wept with joy. So close to where I am at now, standing just on the other side of the strip that separates and joins us.
In the heart of Ljubljana in Slovenia, love flowed and flowed, through the veil, through time, and through dimensions. Two hearts beat strongly, and – dare I say – two souls beamed at them with love.
After seeing my client safely out of trance, and back into the arms of his present lifetime, I took a stroll down to the Ljubljanica River. As I walked, I saw a man making balloon animals for children. There were rows of luscious ice cream street stalls, people talking on mobile phones, a big green statue of a famous Slovenian poet… and a profound sense of easy normality. The sun was shining.
Among all that three-dimensional normality, the veil between my human life and the World of Souls gently eased down again, thicker and thicker with every step I took, with every breath of fresh air I inhaled. The mercy of the veil is that it moves imperceptibly, like a gentle wave that rolls onto the shore, and delivers me peacefully onto the sands of “reality”, where I can dream my dream of incarnation. The World of Souls becomes like the memory of a different dream, that fades as sunlight meets my eyes. I can remember it mentally, even viscerally, but my focus and energy is once again with the material world around my body, filling my senses.
This is my journey and my privilege: walking with a foot in both worlds. One in the spirit world with my clients, and the other on the pathways of Earth in my lifetime. The veil helps to focus my attention fully on only one of them at a time. And yet, the pounding of two hearts in the quiet darkness taught me that I can also be very much present in both, my body and my soul responding to this precious calling.
Barbara Brennan speaks of three stages that we can hope to go through in our lifetimes. Transformation, transcendence and transfiguration.
Transformation is our body-mind’s evolving process of self-knowledge, gaining insight in our personality’s defenses, pains and needs, and spiraling through them until we can lead more joyful and pain-free lives.
The transcendence stage is the amalgamation of the spiritual with the material, welcoming the spirit world in our physical lives to the point that these two worlds are one and the same. Spirit guides become as real as the next-door neighbor. This is where I feel the thinning of the veil in Regression Hypnotherapy sometimes leads to, but my flashes of it are brief and quickly evaporate in the light of the day.
The transfiguration stage involves the inviting of everything that is, whether we might judge it as “good” or “bad”, into our very core, and letting it transfigure back into its original light there, using our inner selves as the catalyst. Barbara Brennan’s own words on these 3 Ts can be found here: http://oneworldspirit.org/images1/october2003/conciousevolution.html
After this rich and wallet-free learning in Slovenia, my journey led back to London, with memories of green forests, deep caves, flowing waters, magnificent kindness, and a very sated heart. During my stay, eight souls and I took the journey to the World of Souls, and back again, stepping through the veil with respect, awe and gratitude. I give profound thanks to those spiritual beings and beautiful souls who guide my path, and who are always there – just a veil away.”
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