A-Tribute-to-Hubble-and-the-Human-Race-2-640x414Each of us is blessed with many lives affording many lessons. Do you wonder about the past lives that you have lived? And if so, do you wonder whether your past is oozing into the present?

From the perspective of those of us who believe in reincarnation and/or who have re-experienced past lives or journeyed to the life between lives, the answer is a simple and emphatic YES. For us, our soul lineage is as important as our family heritage and goes a lot further to explain our current views and perspectives not to mention our decisions, behavior and relationships.

Comprehending that we are eternal beings journeying through successive lives on earth not only gives our current lives context but well, it’s like the emotional experience of watching fireworks – exciting, stimulating, electrifying, marvelous, impressive, fantastic and beautiful all rolled into one. I liken it to how our understanding of the Universe was expanded from “solar system centric” when the Hubble Telescope began beaming back images of the spectacular and wondrous Cosmos that we inhabit. While aware that we enjoy life on a beautiful planet, we realized that this one planet circling one star is just that – one amongst, well, billions and that the Cosmos itself goes on endlessly, truly with no end in sight!

Understanding that this life is one of many can also offer relief from the bewilderment that ensues when reflections about how you have lived your life so far fall short of dreams and expectations. Many thinkers and writers refer to this as the “Earth School”. So for a moment follow this line of thinking. Imagine that this life is comparable to one course, in one semester, in a multi-year program of study. Imagine further, that the skill or knowledge that you are hoping to acquire in this course is comparable to something you are hoping to accomplish or overcome in this lifetime. You struggle to acquire this new skill and realize that it will take time, patience, practice and perhaps another class on the subject before you master it. This realization doesn’t diminish the disappointment or frustration but it definitely provides relief and mitigates despair. It’s the same for the lessons and healing we plan to master during an incarnation.

Understanding the eternal nature of the soul’s journey not only provides context for your current life but may help you to learn through its ups and downs, trials and tribulations. Think of the big lessons and the defining circumstances and events of your life as pieces of a huge mosaic – one that only can be completed and appreciated with the time and distance that span countless lives. As the pieces fall into place, begin to wonder about the big picture.

I recently shared with a class the story of a couple who have been incarnating together intermittently in life times spanning millennia. This time around they struggle with power and control in a brilliant yet painful ‘minuet’. They knew well the pain and suffering of the emotional struggle. One understood an overwhelming need to exert power and authority while the other recognized a propensity for submissiveness and compliance. Convinced that these patterns were the past bleeding into the present, they jointly explored their prior lives together. To their surprise and relief they relived lives in which they switched genders and roles in their joint pursuit to fully understand all dimensions of free will. They came to understand the origin and intent behind the struggle and strife that had become all too familiar. And with this insight they were better prepared to find more constructive and less disastrous ways to examine the many dimensions of free will – thus fitting more pieces into the mosaics of their eternal lives.

What are you trying to learn? What are you trying to master? What themes are played and replayed? What do the patterns in your life tell you about your soul lineage? What does the mosaic of your eternal life look like, and how can more insight about it lead you to more peace-filled days? . . .[separator top=”40″ style=”none, single, double, dashed, dotted, shadow”][social_links colorscheme=”171752″ facebook=”https://www.facebook.com/theSoulSource”]
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