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I was recently asked what accounted for my decision to shift career focus onto the soul’s journey to merge in the oneness of SOURCE. While it was neither an immediate nor pain free transition, once it occurred I found the greatest delight in thinking, meditating and talking to others about our respective soul’s journey to perfection.
Looking back, I can’t fathom another destination although the path was circuitous. Along the way there has been much guidance from this world and beyond. Among the former, Dr. Michael Newton’s work guiding thousands to the life between lives (LBL) stands out among the more notable.
The following client-dialogue excerpt from Dr. Newton (Dr. N.’s) Journey of Souls with (S), who is an advanced soul, so perfectly captures the essence of the soul’s journey that I include it here in entirety. It represents a portion of a typical conversation between the LBL hypnotherapists and the soul/higher-self of the client in a Life Between Lives® (LBL) hypnotherapy session. It’s at once moving and comforting, provocative and inspiring. I hope it gives pause to your soul’s wonderings and wanderings and helps you along the path of your own soul’s journey.
<strong>“</strong>Dr. N: . . . I want to close by asking you more about the source. You have been a soul for a long time, so how do you see yourself relating to the oneness of creation you told me about earlier?
S: (long pause) By sensations of movement. In the beginning there is an outward migration of soul energy from the source. Afterward, our lives are spent moving inward . . . toward cohesion and the uniting . . .
Dr. N: You make this process seem as though a living organism was expanding and contracting.
S: . . . There is an explosive release . . . then a returning . . . yes, the source pulsates.
Dr. N: And you are moving toward the center of this energy source?
S: There is really no center. The source is all around us as if we were . . . inside a beating heart.
Dr. N: But, you did say you were moving back to a point of origin as your soul advanced in knowledge?
S: Yes, when I was thrust outward I was a child. Now I’m being drawn back as my adolescence fades . . .
Dr. N: Back where?
S: Further inside the source.
Dr. N: Perhaps you could describe this energy source through the use of colors to explain soul movement and the scope of creation.
S: (sighs) It’s as if souls are all part of a massive electrical explosion which produces . . . a halo effect. In this . . . circular halo is a dark purple light which flares out . . . lightening to a whiteness at the edges. Our awareness begins at the edges of brilliant light and as we grow . . . we become more engulfed in the darker light.
Dr. N: I find it hard to visualize a god of creation as cold, dark light.
S: That’s because I am not close enough to conjunction to explain it well. The dark light is itself a . . . covering, beyond which we feel an intense warmth . . . full of a knowing presence which is everywhere for us and . . . alive!
Dr. N: What was it like when you were first aware of your identity as a soul after being pushed out to the rim of this halo?
S: To be . . . is the same as watching the first flower of spring open and the flower is you. And, as it opens more, you become aware of other flowers in a glorious field and there is . . . unbounded joy.
Dr. N: If this explosive, multi-colored energy source collapses in on itself, will all the flowers eventually die?
S: Nothing is collapsing . . . the source is endless. As souls we will never die – we know that, somehow. As we coalesce, our increasing wisdom makes the source stronger.
Dr. N: Is that the reason the source desires to perform this exercise?
S: Yes, to give life to us so we can arrive at a state of perfection.
Dr. N: Why does a source, who is ostensibly perfect already, need to create further intelligence which is <em>less</em> than perfect?
S: To help the creator create. In this way, by self-transformation and rising to higher plateaus of fulfillment, we add to the building blocks of life.
Dr. N: Were souls forced to break away from the source and come to places like Earth because of some sort of original sin or fall from grace in the spirit world?
S: That’s nonsense. We came to be . . . magnified . . . in the beautiful variety of creation.
Dr. N: . . . I want you to listen to me carefully. If the source needs to be made stronger, or more wise, by using a division of its divine energy to create lesser intelligence which it hopes will magnify – doesn’t this suggest it lack’s full perfection itself?
S: The source creates for fulfillment of itself.
Dr. N: That’s my point. How can that which is absolute become more absolute unless something is lacking?
S: (hesitates) That which we see to be . . . our source . . . is all we can know, and we think what the creator desires is to <em>express</em> itself through us by . . . birthing.
Dr. N: And do you think the source is actually made stronger by our existences as souls?
S: (long pause) I see the creator’s perfection . . . maintained and enriched . . . by sharing the possibility of perfection with us and this is the ultimate extension of itself.
Dr. N: So the source starts out by deliberately creating imperfect souls and imperfect life forms for these souls and watches what happens in order to extend itself?
S: Yes, and we have to have faith in this decision and trust the process of returning to the origin of life. One has to be starving to appreciate food, to be cold to understand the blessings of warmth, and to be children to see the value of the parent. The transformation gives us purpose.
Dr. N: Do you want to be a parent of souls?
S: Participation in the conception of ourselves is . . . a dream of mine.
Dr.N: If our spirits did not experience physical life, would we ever know of these things you are telling me about?
S: We would know of them, but not about them. It would be as if your spiritual energy were told to play piano scales with only one note.
Dr. N: And do you believe if the source didn’t create souls to nurture and grow, its sublime energy would shrink from a lack of expression?
S: (sighs) Perhaps that is its purpose.<strong>”</strong>
Dr. Newton writes at the close of this interview . . . “In ancient Persia the Sufis had a saying that if the creator represents absolute good, and therefore absolute beauty, it is the nature of beauty to desire manifestation.” (pp. 197-200)
If you would like to experience your own Life Between Lives® regression, please call me at Soul Source (410.371.7950) . . .<strong> <em>Joanne</em></strong>
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