<a href=”http://thesoulsource.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Sufi-image.jpg”><img class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-2885″ src=”http://thesoulsource.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Sufi-image.jpg” alt=”Source of the Realization” width=”262″ height=”193″></a>
Two great Sufi leaders and teachers inspire us to break through the grand illusion of duality to discover the truth of our existence and the source of the realization.
<p style=”text-align: center;”><em><strong>“The source of the realization of truth is within man; he himself is the object of his realization”. </strong>Hazrat Inayat Khan</em></p>
The elaboration on this essential truth is offered by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan, Hazrat’s cousin and fellow leader of the Sufi movement to help us shatter the illusion.
<p style=”padding-left: 30px;”>“Men have differed in all ages because they have called their Deity by different names. There have existed wars, fights and family feuds for ages, men dividing themselves merely for the difference of the names they gave to their Deity. Man always sees just what he sees; he cannot see beyond it. With the ideal of his Deity, with the separate names of man’s Deities, with all the different attitudes of worshiping his Deity, man remains separate from God, for God is truth and truth is God.</p>
<p style=”padding-left: 30px;”>In past ages people have founded new religions, formed in the name of God; they have built churches, founded in the name of God and Truth; they held their scriptures in esteem and honor, and revered the names of their leaders, of the prophets and seers of the religion to which they belonged. And with all his progress man does not seem to have progressed any further than the religions as known today. Bias and bigotry exist in the followers of different creeds, in their temples and churches, in the houses of their prayers, in their congregations of particular communities. The consequence is that religion and the religious spirit has been enfeebled. This even has reacted upon the minds of others who stay away from religion and yet partake of that tendency towards difference, definition and separation which divides mankind into different sections called nations, races or communities. The reaction culminates into results still worse than the action. All wars, disasters and unhappy experiences that humanity has seen, are the outcome of this spirit of intolerance, division and separation, which naturally comes through lack of wisdom and understanding, and through the ignorance of truth.</p>
<p style=”padding-left: 30px;”>Then the question arises: what is the way to attain the truth? Can it be attained through study? The answer is that the source of realizing the truth is within man – but man is the object of his realization. There are words of Hazrat ‘Ali, saying that the one who knows himself truly knows God.” (* Bowl of Saki, October 24, 2014, for more visit <a href=”http://wahiduddin.net/mv2/VIII/VIII_2_7.htm”>http://wahiduddin.net/mv2/VIII/VIII_2_7.htm</a>)</p>
These great Sufi teachers encourage and inspire us to look within, to discover our divinity to uncover the source of the realizaation. For many this is a difficult idea to fully comprehend. The enormity of the idea is an impediment, as is the conditioning that many have long experienced to see themselves as “lesser than” or worse yet as “born sinners”. The more fortunate may have been conditioned to view themselves as “made in the image and likeness of God” but never to see themselves as God. What heresy and blasphemy some will think!!!! These limiting thoughts have the effect of keeping us from looking within, delaying our journey within – the only true path to realization. And, like any misguided search, one can never reach the destination if you are following the wrong path, looking in the wrong place.
So we would be wise to incorporate the wisdom of these Sufi masters regarding the source of the realization. The rewards of doing so are grand. Realizing that you are divine, bursting the bubble of duality, reaching the perspective of observer of the play of life – three milestones on the path to reunion with Source, the mystery that many call God, and the font of eternal bliss!
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