Do you know that you can dialogue with Source – have your own conversation with God? Does this sound like a crazy idea? Perhaps you are of the mindset that only gifted psychics have the capacity to communicate beyond the world of the three dimensions, to reach into the Akashic field. Or, are you one of the many who have listened to the ongoing conversation within your own mind and wondered to whom the second voice belongs? If you have, then you have already begun conversation with Source and can begin to build on your access to universal consciousness.<!–more–>
I admit that for decades I mused about the source of the debate of ideas and decisions that waged internally. And then like many PATHWAY readers, I experienced my first psychic reading and my journey along the metaphysical path accelerated. I was awe struck and truthfully befuddled. I craved understanding. At first, my perspective was so limited that I did not even understand that the new questions I posed would circle back onto the spiritual path that I had earlier embarked — the search to comprehend divinity, the cosmos, our place and purpose in life. Along the way, I became aware and broke through my limited understanding of consciousness, which in turn settled for me the centuries old debate among scientists and spiritual philosophers about the creative force from which life springs.
Ancient Vedic seers taught that the human mind connects us to infinite consciousness. Paramahansa Yogananda, in the Second Coming of Christ – the Resurrection of Christ Consciousness within You elucidates Christ’s teaching that the Holy Spirit – rests within each of us. Fast forward two millennia, and we find quantum physics describing a unified field that appears to connect ‘all of us and all that is’. While contemporary metaphysics articulates the Law of One Mind –that there is but one mind in this universe that is the creating principle behind each individual. Nomenclature and seemingly divergent perspectives aside, each speaks to consciousness. And it is this universal consciousness that is the source of the other voice/viewpoint within your own mind.
So what, some might ask? But to those hoping to access higher guidance to cope with or guide us through the opportunities or travails of life, knowing that you can and how to tap into universal consciousness is a “big deal”! It heralds a revolution that dwarfs the current high tech revolution that has reshaped communication and life around the world during recent decades.
But how does one turn-up the volume of the voice within, decode it, avoid misinterpretation and misunderstanding? Needless to say, it is not as effortless as pressing the right button on the remote, turning on the closed-caption feature of the television, or getting the answer to the question you posed from your I-Phone 4. Each of these are handy communication tools, but pale in comparison to tapping into absolute intelligence for guideposts on life’s journey. Even after one has initiated a conversation with Source, it requires patience and practice to cultivate ongoing dialogue.
You begin with stillness and silence — that’s right, stillness and silence! Both free, if not as easily accessible in today’s fast-paced, activity-jammed world that has perfected the commoditization of chatter – chatter on your phone, chatter on your computer, chatter on your television, chatter here, chatter there, chatter everywhere! No doubt the introverts have a head start here, but there is hope for the extraverts who interact with the world of thought through external exchange.
You have to unplug and set aside time to sit-in and delve into the silence. If you can’t hear yourself thinking, if there are no silent pauses filling the gaps in between thoughts or spoken words, you won’t be able to access universal consciousness while awake. And if your mind is too taxed down-loading the millions of sound and information bites it is bombarded with daily, your chance of deciphering universal consciousness in your dreams is diminished.
Next, develop a meditation practice and meditate daily. The more you meditate the more open and receptive your mind becomes. Liken it to cleaning out the attic, basement or even a closet. If your space is so crammed full of stuff, you have no room for anything new. Any dialogue, including a conversation with Source requires a volley of ideas and thoughts – empty space is prerequisite for volley.
Once stillness, silence and meditation are foundations of your daily routines, you notice that you intuition is developing. Intuition initially seems to come-calling in “inconsequential particularities”, whispering for you to break long-standing routines (i.e. your route to work, how you prepare a favorite recipe, patterns of daily living, time to call a close relative or friend). At first you notice and ignore, next you notice and ponder. You may be struck by the insignificance of the particulars that you seem to be getting instructions about. Eventually, curiosity prompts you to follow this internal advice. Inevitably, you discover that the intuition is accurate(i.e. a major delay and road closing on you regular route home, your dinner guest was allergic to an ingredient in your favorite recipe, the receipt you discarded was needed for a return). You begin to take note, paying more careful attention. You develop a deeper understanding of why patience and practice are essential.
And now, possibly for the first time, you become aware that the second voice within your mind differs from your own – its tone, cadence, grammar, formality and sentence structure. You may question how you failed to notice, or wonder what advice or wisdom you may have ignored. You remember that long ago, you became aware of a more directive voice inside your mind but dismissed it as a variation of alter-ego which always directed to do the “right” thing. Feelings of surprise and awe mix with incredulity and skepticism. The latter propel you to research and there you discover a history replete with famous people (e.g. Thomas Edison,Richard Bach, Emmanuel Swedenborg) and examples of inventions, concerto and inspired writings not claimed as original by the authors who scripted them into form (e.g. A Course In Miracles, Conversations with God, Interview with an Angel).
Discernment is the next step for those already familiar with the internal terrain of their thoughts, feelings, motivations and patterns of behavior. With insight about your own frame of reference, you decipher the ‘other view’ and learn to detect the ideas and information that are beyond you singular perspective. With time,patience and practice you differentiate new information and themes. You come to recognize that you are accessing universal consciousness – that you are tapping into a reservoir of intelligence far beyond everyday awareness. As your trust and confidence grow, you are now ready to direct the conversation. You are in dialogue.
You understand that conversation with Source is not limited to a gifted few but is a gift available to those who build on silence, stillness and meditation and who listen, observe, and discern. You discover as you cultivate this gift with your inner commentator a growing intimacy with the expansiveness of who you really are. You are steps closer to comprehending divinity, the cosmos, your place and purpose in life. This realization propels you forward on your spiritual path – the journey onward through the infinitude of your existence! Once you begin to enjoy ongoing conversations with God, you realize that you are never alone. Your connection to all and everything, to the absolute intelligence that pervades the cosmos, is at once a constant source of guidance, peace and equanimity. . . . Enjoy the conversations and the journey!
*This article appeared in the Spring 2012 issue of Pathways Magazine