<a href=”http://thesoulsource.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/5-newmethodfor.jpg”><img class=”alignleft size-medium wp-image-2938″ src=”http://thesoulsource.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/5-newmethodfor-300×297.jpg” alt=”5-newmethodfor” width=”300″ height=”297″></a>Celebrate this season of light by recognizing and reveling in the LIGHT within.
Millions of people around the world have begun the annual celebration of Christmas – the gift of Christ Consciousness; while others commemorate the Winter Solstice, Chanukah or the presence of Buddha or Krishna Consciousness. It is a time for deep reflection and joy regardless of which banner one pauses to celebrate under.
Over the centuries, traditions have come and gone merged and morphed. What remains constant is the gift each of us has received regardless of our religious or philosophical orientation. Each of us is a child of God, our existence made possible through the vast power, creativity and love that is the Source of All That Is. Each of us is on an eternal journey through the vastness of time and space. One merely needs to peak out at the night sky or into the stillness of one’s meditation to experience the enormity of our collective existence. Each of us is the LIGHT within.
The story of enlightenment – ascension – resurrection in each of the traditions is the reminder of our own eternal nature. True each of those reading this post will shed the earthly cloak donned for this incarnation but the consciousness that defines each of us will not cease to exist. This is the real message of the birth of Jesus and his embodiment of Christ Consciousness. Each of us walks the same path regardless of whether we journey in awareness or do so in the dark. The celebration of light of the Winter Solstice and Chanukah are yet other reminders that the eternal LIGHT shines within each of us. During this season of light, hopefully the exterior lights that dazzle us will be a reminder of the interior LIGHT that offers us eternal joy, peace and bliss. Whatever your holiday ceremonies or traditions, I hope you give yourself the gift of quietude and stillness so that you will have time to connect with the LIGHT within and to revel in the Christ-Buddha-Krishna Consciousness that exists within and without.
In this holiday season and throughout the coming year, may you find peace and love in your everyday world; may your soul sing in joy spreading its light throughout our world; and may you experience the joy, peace, harmony and bliss of the Infinite that resides within.
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