Sometime in the distant past, we began our journey through human life. In the beginning of this stage of our existence as human beings we were individuated from the Creator Source – we were pure and perfect albeit quite new and undeveloped. Little slivers of the Divine, we set out on a series of lifetimes. The light of the Divine shining brightly in us.
Some souls are older than others and as a result have had more lives, more time to learn and acquire wisdom. On the surface this appears to be good news. But depending on what occurred and how these souls coped, it may not be.
Life events shape us – our thoughts and beliefs, our feelings and in turn our behavior. So, it follows that even a single event affects people in diverse ways. Despite our initial pure state, the detritus of life has a way of hanging on. If it is not released or healed by the end of a single lifetime it remains on the soul’s to do list for future resolution. This by the way, is the reason that some of us have had many hundreds of lifetimes.
Many of us were taught through our religion of birth a slightly more simplistic view of the soul’s journey. One life lived well; you head to heaven. One life led terribly badly; you head to hell. Some religions mention a sort of in-between way-station for those who have led somewhat good lives but need to earn their way to heaven, a type of outer foyer.
In fact, it is a lot more complicated than you might have been taught.
What we know from tens of thousands of hypnotic journeys into the astral realms is that there is a spot where souls go after the completion of earthly lives. Whether you identify this as some do as the heavenly realm, afterlife, interlife or life between life does not really matter. It is however a state where the soul rests, rejuvenates, reunites with eternal loved ones, recreates and yes, even has work and study assignments. At the point the soul is ready to return to another human experience, it begins a planning phase to map out the contours of the upcoming life. The details of this are quite extensive and are not the subject but are included so that you will fully understand why so many reincarnations.
My big point here is to remind you that the long journey has a way of dimming the light of the Divine that is within you. If enough smut has collected on your soul over your many lifetimes, you may barely remember that you are divine and rarely if ever experience the light within.
Believe it or not each of our lifetimes can best be described as an elongated immersion experience in a foreign land known as Earth. All of us, and I mean all of us, volunteered to leave the heavenly realm to venture back for another immersion experience in the Earth School. To sign-up though, each of us had to accept two giant caveats. We had to forget our eternal home and come with no active memory of what our eternal soul wanted us to accomplish!
Now in truth, this amnesia clause that we agreed to, contributes to the fact that many have forgotten their origin as individuated sparks of the Divine. And then life happened, or as the colloquial expression goes s**t happened. Sadly, for some, s**t happened over and over and over again. Lots of suffering and life detritus collecting, needing healing, release and relearning.
I bring good news along with this realistic picture of how the cycle of reincarnation works. We are all destined to succeed. And we are free to pace our learning and healing, take detours, take lengthy periods of rest, get bored in the heavenly realms and then decide what we want to do next. The guarantee is that we are always welcome back home, the lights are never out. And this is a guarantee that you do not see anywhere else these days.
So, take heart that you are on the right track even if you think you have taken a major detour. Because you are divine and when you are ready to, you will awaken to and revel in the glory of this birth rite.
P.S. By the way, as some have heard me say. I have some thoughts about tweaking some of the specifics of this grand design that I plan to share with the authorities the next time I return home. I’m also ready to volunteer to be on a working committee to draft new protocols and procedures.